How to Save Money on Food in College

Especially for commuters!

However, this advice works for anybody who finds themselves going to class and getting one or two meals in town or “eating out” without a meal plan and finds the costs adding up.


This is certainly not a jab at my other half, who five minutes ago said, “All I’ve eaten today is pizza. I know, it sounds like a dream, but it’s terrible. I should have ordered cheese sticks  or something.”

Rather, this is a post culminating from the mistakes I’ve made in the past two semesters. The aforementioned Other 1/2 has a meal plan and thus suffers on breaks because he’s relatively, through no fault of his own, helpless in terms of cooking. He can do basic stuff and I’m right there with him some days on the bigger stuff– why bother when McDonalds can give it to me for five dollars, amiright?

That’s quitter talk. I’m trying to overcome my mistakes and get my shit together, and you should too! Or Nah.

Now that the obligatory prose is manifest upwards of this text, I introduce a three part system to break down my advice. Or, in internet clickbait lingo:

3 Easy Steps to Saving Money on Food in College!

Okay, here we go.

Step 1: For fuck’s sake, pack a lunch

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